Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Angewandte Chemie 23/2013: Let There Be Light

Watch Atoms Form a Bond
Observing the chemical transformation of an individual molecule as it undergoes a complex reaction became possible

Turning Around the Synthesis of Hexaphyrins
Bottom-up, stepwise synthesis allows construction of peripherally functionalized hexaphyrins with unsubstituted meso carbon atoms

Fluorescence Anion Sensors
Incorporating a fluorescent probe into a polymeric matrix gives a sensor array that can recognize eight different analytes

A Closer Look at Radical Migration
Investigation of the radical migration from the sulfur atom in the radical cation of glutathione, an important antioxidant

250th Birthday: Nicolas-Louis Vauquelin
Nicolas-Louis Vauquelin discovered chromium and beryllium; answer to Guess the Chemist (17)

Intellectual Freedom in Academic Scientific Research under Threat
Sir John Meurig Thomas, UK, argues that scientific research motivated by intellectual curiosity is being restricted by funding bodies

Job: Assistant Editor ChemistryViews.org
ChemistryViews.org is looking for an Assistant Editor (f/m)

Chemotactic Attraction
Two differently shaped catalytic motors can sense chemical gradients in microfluidic channels

Tuning a pH Sensor
Pyridyl-monoannulated naphthalene diimide—a reversible probe for acid sensing and tunable formation of nanostructures