More realistic exposure scenario for wearing Ag- and TiO2-engineered nanoparticle-containing textiles

Migration of Nanoparticles from Textiles

Diamonds—An Electrodes' Best Friend
Diamond nanoelectrode arrays can be used to study adsorption phenomena at the liquid–solid interface

Sugar Coating Reveals Black Death
Plague detection through anti-carbohydrate antibodies could lead to rapid point-of-care diagnosis

Conveying the Excitement of Chemistry on YouTube
Martyn Poliakoff, UK, and freelance filmmaker Brady Haran discuss how YouTube can be used to inspire the next generation of chemists

100th Birthday: Mildred Cohn
A biochemist who overcame religious and sexual discrimination

Educate – Inspire – Connect
Nobel Laureates and young scientists enjoyed international research dialogue in relaxed atmosphere at the 63rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

Improved Quality Check for Drinking Water
Flow cytometric analysis of drinking water is faster and more precise than traditional method

2012 ISI Journal Impact Factors
Excellent Results for Wiley and Wiley-VCH in the 2012 Journal Citation Reports

What’s Cooking in Chemistry: Hiroshi Shinokubo
Hiroshi Shinokubo talks about what he cooks in the lab and at home, with a special recipe for Sweet and Tender Stewed Pork

Reuniting Chemical Disciplines, Separated at Birth
In the 19th Century, every chemist was a polymath. What changed? And how can we reunite the different chemical disciplines?