The occupants of Wonderlab learn the importance of keeping their lab journals up to date

Wonderlab Comic – Lab Journal

Schmidt and Mulvey Awarded
The Fresenius Prize and Arfvedson Schlenk Prize were presented to Professor Tortsen Schmidt and Professor Robert Mulvey, respectively

Picture Competition 2013 & Calendar 2014
The best pictures showing the beautiful and fascinating things you find in a chemistry lab are combined in a calendar for 2014

Picture Competition 2013 & Calendar 2014
The best pictures showing the beautiful and fascinating things you find in a chemistry lab are combined in a calendar for 2014

125 Years of Liquid Crystals
Since the discovery of liquid crystals in 1888, the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1991 was awarded for research into liquid crystals and they have become essential to our everyday lives

Nanopesticides: State of Knowledge
First comprehensive analysis of knowledge of nanopesticides including definitions, categories, possible consequences, and regulation

Carbon Nanotube Membranes for Water Supply
Carbon nanotube membranes have been shown to be ideal for the removal of contaminants from water

Glowing Graphene Dots
Graphene quantum dots with the right functionalization can be used to sense copper in living cells

Nanotech Toughens Up Water Purification
Silica-titania nanofibers could provide a tougher filter for cleaning up water contaminated with sewage or industrial pollutants

Probing Enzyme Activity
The activity of different enzymes was investigated by using newly developed probes for 19F NMR/MRI imaging