Still Charging @TEDxTUM 2024

Still Charging is more than just an event; it’s an energizing experience where you can refuel your passion, gain new insights, and connect with transformative ideas that propel you forward. And after 10 years of TEDxTUM we are proud to still charge up our audience and our local community by creating a unique space to fill yourself with groundbreaking ideas, innovative perspectives, and powerful inspiration.

Among the seakers is Petra Schwille, Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry, Dept. Cellular and Molecular Biophysics, Martinsried, Germany,  who talks about “Can we create life? Should we?”.

Tickets, see link in blue box below


12:00 Registration
    Welcome Coffee & Snacks
    Fun Activities
    Networking Booth

13:30 Session I
    Lana Tanir: Photojournalism and Nature Conservation**
    Petra Schwille: Can we Create Life? Should We?**
    Ousmane Diao: Connecting Culture and People through Fashion**
    Performance #1

15:20 Experience
    Speaker Corners
    Coffee & Snacks

16:00 Session II
    Julijana Gjorgjieva: Computational Neuroscience**
    Albert Bozesan: AI in the Creative Process & Storytelling**
    Christian List: Why Free Will is Real**
    Performance #2

18:00 Experience

    Speaker Corners

19:00 End of Event

*Schedule is still subject to change
** Alll topics are WIP, exact topic to be confirmed



Event Details

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