Towards A Greenhouse Gas Neutral German Chemistry
Chemistry4Climate of the Association of German Engineers (VDI) and the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI) started its work

Polymer-Film Heat Exchangers Improve Seawater Desalination
Thin polymeric heat exchanger layers decrease fouling

Udo Kragl New Chairman of the German Society for Catalysis GeCatS
Reinhard Schomäcker, TU Berlin, and Andreas Meiswinkel, Linde AG/Pullach, are Deputy Chairmen

Improved Granulation of Instant Soups
Binders based on oil-in-water emulsions enhance the rehydration of instant soup powders

Repurposing Tires for Wastewater Cleaning
Pyrolysis char from tires can be used to remove phenolic contaminants from water

Highly Effective Membrane Cleaning
High-pressure jet cleaning of microfiltration membranes can restore up to 80 % of the original throughput

Behind the Science: Using Smart Tomographic Sensors in Process Control
Barbara Boeck talked to Uwe Hampel, Dresden, Germany, about controlled fluid separation with smart process tomography sensors

Chemistry4Climate Platform
VCI and VDI want to discuss proposals and develop concepts on how chemistry can become greenhouse gas neutral by 2050

Effective Treatment of Livestock Wastewater
Electrocoagulation successfully removes insecticides used in cattle farming

Direct Electrochemical Synthesis of NH3 from N2 and H2O
A practicable option for energy storage and production of fertilizer precursors

Effective Chromium Removal by Forward Osmosis
Careful process optimization highly increases efficiency of Cr removal from wastewater

Comparing Biogas Digesters
Underground digester leads to higher and more stable temperature profiles for biogas production

Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Hinders Crystallization in Microreactors
Higher surface area cannot make up for decreased nucleation

Turning Seashells into Bone-Growing Templates
Seashell powder increases the mechanical strength and bioactivity of alginate bone scaffolds

Behind the Science: How to Store Hydrogen
Cordula Buse talked to Karsten Müller, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, about the state of hydrogen storage technologies

Improved Juice Concentration
Ice waste from cryoconcentration processes can still be useful

Fast and Cheap Production of Microreactors
Ultrasonic processing of plate-type polymer reactors

Simultaneous Nitrate and Hardness Removal from WasteWater
Effective treatment with microorganisms

Effective Food Dye Removal
Modified chitosan hydrogels as effective and reusable adsorbents