Professor Henri B. Kagan has been awarded the highest honor of the Chemical Society of France (SCF)
Lavoiser Medal Awarded
French Chemical Society National and Bi-national Awards
The winners of the annual national and bi-national prizes of the SCF include Klaus Müllen, Santiago Alvarez Reverter, and Samir Zard
French Chemical Society Awards
The French Chemical Society has presented several awards at a ceremony at the University Claude Bernard, Lyon
Don't Be Afraid to Eat!
Hervé This, founder of Molecular Gastronomy, gives insights about food, its toxicity and the importance of chemistry
Carmen Nájera Wins Franco-Spanish Prize
Carmen Nájera – Professor of Organic Chemistry, University of Alicante, Spain, and EurJOC Editorial Board Member – awarded
New EuCheMS President
The EuCheMS elected Ulrich Schubert, Vienna University of Technology, member of the Austrian chemical society, as their new president
Gérard Férey: CNRS Gold Medal
The centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) Gold Medal 2010 has been awarded to Prof. Dr. Gérard Férey
Clusters' Last Stand
f-Element Chemistry is the topic of the June EurJIC Cluster Issue edited by Gerd Meyer, University of Colone.
Changing the Channel in Nanoelectronics
New computer simulations may help in the design of efficient molecular wires.
In a Bit of a Bind
X. Zhang and H. Schwarz shed light on the mechanistic aspects of catalytic processes and make a systematic and comprehensive overview possible.