Luminescent Clusters

Luminescent Clusters

A calixarene ligand can be used to create a new class of lanthanide clusters with potential in magnetic and luminescence studies

Energetic Materials

Energetic Materials

Highly energetic nitrogen compounds that can be readily detonated but do not explode on simple impact developed

All-purpose 3D Printer

All-purpose 3D Printer

Robust 3D printing approach for printing materials with easy-to-modify surfaces to eliminate the need for multiple 3D printers

Titania: Black is the New White

Titania: Black is the New White

A mass production technique for reducing brilliant white titanium dioxide to black for applications in solar energy conversion has been devised

Polymer Poison Trap

Polymer Poison Trap

A polymer endowed with metal-catecholate functional groups can absorb toxic chemicals from the air