Barbara Boeck talked to Uwe Hampel, Dresden, Germany, about controlled fluid separation with smart process tomography sensors

Behind the Science: Using Smart Tomographic Sensors in Process Control

Photochemistry with Gadolinium
Dearomative cycloaddition/ring-expansion sequence with indoles under lanthanide photocatalysis

Angewandte Chemie 14/2020: Good Practice
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Partial Release of Molecules from Living Neurons
Electrochemical nanomeasurements reveal partial exocytosis

Staining Cycles for Tumor Diagnostics
Ultrafast repeated staining and destaining of cell samples

Well-Defined Barium Catalysts
Bis(imino)carbazolate ligand provides new possibilities in barium chemistry

Crystals in Minutes
Crystallizing a metalloenzyme haem domain using batch microseeding

Angewandte Chemie 13/2020: There's a Great Future in Plastics
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Strong Fibers Based on Squid Protein and Elastin
Bioinspired, mechanically robust fibers produced using a designed chimeric protein

Biomarker to Detect Tumor Development
Amplification and imaging of microRNA