A phosphanyl‐phosphagallene that behaves like a frustrated Lewis pair

Phosphorus–Gallium Double Bond

Receptor Glycosylation Could Influence Viral Infection
O-Glycans affect the stability of the immune scavenger protein DC-SIGN
![Oxygen-Stable State of [FeFe] Hydrogenase Studied](https://www.chemistryviews.org/wp-content/uploads/legacy/common/images/thumbnails/source/1735ca3556a.jpg)
Oxygen-Stable State of [FeFe] Hydrogenase Studied
A sulfur ligand causes oxygen stability

Autocatalysis in Methanol Synthesis
Improved understanding of the mechanism of industrial methanol production

Angewandte Chemie 32/2020: Method Development
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Photoinduced Electrochemiluminescence
Amplified luminescence in a cell made from bismuth vanadate and a luminol-containing electrolyte

DNA Nanorobot Controls Blood Clotting
Intelligent system recognizes molecular triggers and responds autonomously

High-Density Capacitive Energy Storage
Maximized spatial charge density for ultrahigh energy density

Intertwined Cyclic Protein Molecules
Biosynthesis of a protein heterocatenane developed

Angewandte Chemie 31/2020: Moving into the Future
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie