Deep photodynamic therapy: photosensitizer irradiates itself

Cancer Treatment with Built-in Light

I Love Complicated Questions
Stefanie Dehnen about her research, networking, how to run a successful research team, and the self-image of chemists

Alfred Stock Memorial Award for Stefanie Dehnen
Outstanding work in the field of inorganic chemistry honored

Overcoming Well-Meaning Discouragement
Petra Mischnick about her motivation to advocate for equality, the importane of role models and teaching chemistry from early on

Designing a Molecule on Paper and Finding Ways to Make It
Evamarie Hey-Hawkins about her research and enthusiasm for chemistry, and what to do with unlimited funds

GDCh Award for Journalists and Writers for Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim
Well-known German science communicator honored

Inaugural Hildegard Hamm-Brücher Award for Equal Opportunities in Chemistry
Petra Mischnick, Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany, honored for her longstanding commitment to equal opportunities

Karl Ziegler Prize for Evamarie Hey-Hawkins
One of the highest German honors in chemistry for inorganic chemist

Angewandte Chemie 36/2021: Refining Chemistry
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Fluorogenic Probe for Monitoring Ethylene
Activity‐based sensing in living cells and plants