The 2010 literary prize is awarded to Doris Fischer-Henningsen, Editor-in-Chief of Chemie in Unserer Zeit

Literary Prize: D. Fischer-Henningsen

Bowl Me Over with Polyoxometalates
The polyoxometalate species, [Pd7V6O24(OH)2]6-, has been reported. The mixed metal Pd7V6 unit is bowl-shaped with C2v symmetry

M. Drieß Receives Alfred-Stock Prize
Matthias Drieß will be presented with the Alfred-Stock Prize at the Woehler conference in Freiburg

J. Sauer Receives Liebig-Denkmünze
Joachim Sauer receives the Liebig-Denkmünze for his work on zeolites and transition metal oxide aggregates

Angewandte Chemie 39/2010: The Measure of All Things
An overview of the current issue of Angewandte Chemie International Edition

Sniffer Dog on a Chip
Highly sensitive nanosensor array allows detection of TNT down to 0.1 part per trillion

Platinum, Light and Cancer
For tumor treatment with few side effects: platinum complex initiates cytotoxic effect upon targeted irradiation with visible light

Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology Prize
This year's GDCh-FG-Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology Prize 2010 is shared by Dr. A. Dreyer and Dr. M. Matzke

Looking Down the Nanotube
Hierarchical self-assembly of an n-type nanotube proceeds via monolayer nanoring stacking, through pi-conjugation, in water

Greatest Challenge of Process Engineering
The greatest challenge of chemical engineering is to combine chemical and biological processes to efficiently use renewable raw materials