A self-cleaning membrane reactor for industrial wastewater treatment decomposes organic foulants and stops pores from getting blocked

Reactor Cleans Wastewater and Itself

Peter Vollhardt: In Pursuit of a Parking Space
Peter Vollhardt on exciting chemistry, why he's no longer allowed in the lab, and quality versus quantity

Protein-Based Probes for Tumor Imaging
Self-assembly nature of ferritin allows creation of protein-based fluorescent probes for detection of tumor marker, MMP

Control of Selectivity in Hydroformylation
Selective rhodium-catalyzed hydroformylation enabled by supramolecular strategy for the preorganization of alkenes

Angewandte Chemie 4/2011: Women in Chemistry
Overview of the current issue of Angewandte Chemie

Pneumatic Elastomers As Robotic Arms
Methodology based on embedded pneumatic networks enables large-amplitude actuations in soft elastomers by pressurizing embedded channels

Women Chemists
What is the reason for the scarcity of top-flight women chemists in academia?

Chemical Approach to Graphene Nanoribbons
Bottom-up synthesis of conjugated graphene nanoribbons up to 40 nm with defined structures has been developed

Making Fuel Cells Durable with Pt Nanostars
Starlike, platinum-based nanowire crystals could provide more stable cathodes for fuel cell applications

In Vivo Fluorescence Imaging with Azobenzene Switch
Azobenzene-based photochemical switches show promise as agents for the remote control of biomolecular function using light