Richard Zare discusses how helping China develop scientifically can benefit the West

Why Help a Growing Scientific Giant?

Organic Solar Cells with Record Efficiency
Record power conversion efficiency for polymer-based solar cells achieved by the incorporation of vertically oriented nanorods

New Type of Rechargeable Battery
Rechargeable batteries in cars could give way to microporous polymer that is an unusually powerful supercapacitor

Single-Atom Imaging of Industrial Catalysts
State-of-the-art electron microscopy methods confirm for the first time the position of sulfur atoms at the edges of MoS2 nanocatalysts

Angewandte Chemie 35/2011: In Your Brain
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Optimization of Sugar Recovery from Switchgrass
Extrusion combined with other pretreatment methods resulted in a combined sugar recovery of 88 %

New Boron Complexes with Unpredicted Reactivity
First boron-containing allenylidene-like complexes display reactivity not predicted by DFT calculations

The Importance of Chemistry for the Future of the Pharma Industry
Hanno Wild discusses how the future of the pharma industry will depend on organic chemistry

First 3D Artery Model
First example of 3D assay of NO diffusion using an engineered 3D artery model; convenient and effective for drug screening

Angewandte Chemie 33/2011: Caught on Gold
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie