First example of 3D assay of NO diffusion using an engineered 3D artery model; convenient and effective for drug screening
First 3D Artery Model
Angewandte Chemie 33/2011: Caught on Gold
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Angewandte Author Profiles August
Stefan Bräse, Younan Xia, Sjoerd Harder, and Stefan Hecht, are interviewed this month
Mechanism to Stabilize Nanoparticles in ILs
Molecular interactions of solvation and stabilization mechanisms of metallic nanoparticles in ionic liquids
First Tricolor Liquid Crystals
Thermal and mechanical stimuli switch the luminescence of a liquid-crystal mixture between three different colors
Easy Route to Suzuki Precursor
Practical and general method for the synthesis of boronic intermediates that readily undergo the Suzuki reaction
Performance of a Multiphase Baffle-Stirred Reactor
Turbulent gas-liquid flow field in an industrial 100-m3 stirred tank was calculated by using CFD
Unmasked by X-rays
Active substances such as signaling agents or toxins can be unmasked by X-ray radiation if the mask has an antenna
Flow Field Analysis in Slim Reactors
Evaluation of mixing and dispersion efficiency for liquid-liquid systems of single- and multiple-stage impellers leads to optimum configuration
Angewandte Chemie 32/2011: Pearls On A String
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie