Validation of a procedure for the selection of operating parameters of sequential centrifugal partition chromatography
New Continuous Chromatographic Technology
Problem Solvers and Thinkers
Rutger van Santen looks at how catalysis combines science and technology to yield advances that would be otherwise impossible
Angewandte Chemie 48/2011: From Nano to Giant
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
M. Reetz Receives Otto Hahn Prize
Manfred Reetz, Director of the Max-Planck-Institute for Coal Research, receives the Otto Hahn Prize from the GDCh
Bow Down to the Light
Light-triggered microscale robotic arm makes bending and stretching motions
Angewandte Chemie 42/2011: High Throughput and Efficiency
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Dehydrocoupling of Boranes
New one-step procedure for the synthesis of two of the most widely used and synthetically relevant diboranes(4), B2Cat2 and B2Pin2
Gluing Cells to Scaffolds with Mussel Proteins
Hybrid made from nanofibers and glue from mussel protein can be used as substrate for tissue culture
Central Chirality by E/Z Photoismomerization
First example of the induction of point chirality in which two of the substituents around an sp3 carbon atom are geometric isomers
Glass Sponges for Building Bones
Hybrid material made of collagen fibers and silica can be used as a possible substrate for bone tissue culture