Persilastaffanes: silicon frameworks with delocalized sigma electrons are intriguing candidates for electronic applications
Cages Strung Together
Sensing Ions with Nitrile Gloves
A variety of metal ions can be detected with ultrasmall fluorescent sensors that can be incorporated into clothing
Angewandte Chemie 52/2011: Quo Vadis?
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Aerosol Emissions from Outdoor Firework
Due to the increasing number of firework displays, investigations on environmental impacts are necessary
Novel Coagulant Agent For Wastewater Treatment
Coagulant from tannin extract represents real alternative to traditional inorganic metal coagulants in the removal of dyes and surfactants
Angewandte Author Profiles January
Hansjörg Grützmacher, Aiwen Lei, Nicolai Cramer, and Herbert Mayr are interviewed this month
Citations And Ethics
Jan Reedijk discusses how citation metrics are pushing editors, referees, and authors into strategic and sometimes unethical behavior
New Year’s Greetings from GDCh President
Professor B. Albert, the new GDCh (German Chemical Society) president, introduces herself to the membership
Energy Mix for Global Welfare
A. Jess, University Bayreuth, and colleagues analyse what the annual energy consumption needs to be
Angewandte Chemie 51/2011: Precision Control
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie