Liposomes containing ammonium bicarbonate release carbon dioxide bubbles that induce the killing of cancer cells
Blowing Bubbles to Kill Cancer
Miniemulsions for Production of Nanostructured Particles
Overcoming technological challenges in producing nano-sized, hybrid particles, especially with regard to continuous processing
W. Uhl Awarded Alfred Stock Memorial Prize
The Alfred Stock Memorial Prize of the GDCh has been awarded to Professor Werner Uhl, University of Münster, Germany
First Total Synthesis of Erythropoietin Glycoprotein
First total synthesis of wild-type erythropoietin glycoprotein, hormone stimulating red blood cell production, has been accomplished
Angewandte Quiz Answer
A recent cover in Angewandte Chemie included a hidden dedication. Did you spot it?
Emil Fischer Medal for H. Waldmann
Professor Herbert Waldmann, Germany, is the recipient of the 2012 Emil Fischer Medal, awarded for work in organic chemistry
Wilhelm Klemm Prize for F. Schüth
Ferdi Schüth, Max Planck Institute for Coal Research, Germany, awarded GDCh prize for work on inorganic chemistry
Liebig Memorial Medal for W. Thiel
Walter Thiel, Max Planck Institute for Coal Research, Germany, has received the 2012 Liebig Memorial Medal of the GDCh
Angewandte Chemie 38/2012: Only the Finest
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
New Treatment for Stroke?
Ceria nanoparticles could lessen the damage from ischemic strokes