Highly conductive textiles and paper with aluminum

Wearable Electronics

Brushes in 3D
Complex three-dimensional polymer brush nanostructures from photopolymerization

Most Accessed Articles: May 2013
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for May 2013

Science on the Market: What Does Competition Do to Research?
Michael Hampe, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, argues that scientists should not oversell their work in the pursuit of competitive funding

Head in a Cage
Fatty acid composition of diacylglycerols determines local signaling patterns

LiBSi2: New Boron and Silicon Framework
Tetrahedral semiconductor framework from boron and silicon is a promising material for lithium-ion batteries

Angewandte Author Profiles May 2013
Sir John Meurig Thomas, Chi-Ming Che, Rai-Shung Liu, Stephan Sieber, Gautam Desiraju, and Herbert Roesky were interviewed this month

The Fastest and the Brightest Fluorescent Probe
BODIPY–tetrazine derivatives as superbright bioorthogonal turn-on probes

A New Member of the Porphyrin Family
An isostructural and isoelectronic analogue of porphyrins that does not contain pyrrol units is aromatic and highly stable

Angewandte Chemie 23/2013: Let There Be Light
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie