The Science Forum Chemistry or Wissenschaftsforum, the largest and most important scientific event of the GDCh, took place in Darmstadt

Chemistry – Element of Life

Michael Braungart: Seeking a Sustainable Future
M. Braungart, Germany, explains his Cradle-to-Cradle strategy of how products and production processes can be completely safe

Angewandte Chemie 39/2013: A Quantum of Nobility
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Locked in Lipid Pools
Design of lipidated light-responsive constructs that sequester bioagents to the membranes of organelles and cells

Most Accessed Articles: August 2013
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals for August 2013

Separate but Together
Core/shell photocatalyst with spatially separated cocatalysts for more efficient water splitting

Towards Anti-Fingerprint Touch Pads
A monolithic material has marshmallow-like flexibility and superamphiphobic properties on any cutting surface

Corked Microbottles
Melting corks allow for temperature-controlled release of drugs from microscale vessels

How Can Change Be Achieved? Energy Saving in Cambridge
Jeremy K. M. Sanders describes the challenges of reducing the energy consumption of a historic university and the measures that have been taken so far

Levitating Crystals
Magnetic levitation separates crystal polymorphs by their density