Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Angewandte Chemie 52/2013: Fireworks
How Do Desolvated Proteins Fold?
Protein folding in the gas phase is different from that in solution and is directed by electrostatic rather than hydrophobic interactions
What Matters?
Alois Fürstner discusses how public perception of chemistry and lack of financial resources threaten basic research
Successful Teamwork
Unusual fungal metabolites with antitumor activity discovered by crowdsourcing
Guinness Molecules: Identifying Lowest-Energy Structures
Martin A. Suhm, Germany, discusses the lowest-energy structure for a certain sum formula, or "Guinness molecule"
Love in the Laboratory
Germany's first science soap, which is full of intrigue, romance, and insights into the science scene, can be watched on the internet
Angewandte Chemie 50/2013: Electrifying
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Luminescent Thin Films with Switchable Transparency
Dense framework europium(II) imidazolate manipulated by laser techniques into thin films with switchable transparency
After Acceptance: How to Turn Your Research into Cover Art
The hard work is finally complete: Your manuscript is accepted and it’s time to inject a little fun by making a cover picture for your chosen journal
Reversible Wound Closure
Dissolvable dendritic thioester hydrogel for sealing wounds