Use of a mathematical "detector" resolves bias in model fitting of NMR relaxation data

Analyzing Molecular Motion with NMR Spectroscopy

Messenger RNA Delivery
Preassembled mRNA-protein complex causes increased protein expression

Low-Bandgap Polymer Acceptors
All-polymer solar cells with a high power conversion efficiency

The Air that I Breathe – Part 1
Chemistry of indoor air is a relatively new, diverse and interdisciplinary field surrounding us every day

Plant-Inspired Oil/Water Separation
Curved surfaces for the spontaneous separation of microsized water-in-oil drops

The Electronic Structure of V2O2
Infrared spectroscopy and computational analysis reveal metal–metal bonding in vanadium oxide clusters

Highlight of the GDCh Jubilee Year 2017
International scientists met in Berlin for the WiFo, the GDCh’s biannual conference on all aspects of chemistry

Correctly Modeling Cisplatin
Modeling cisplatin as a dimer provides accurate structural and vibrational data

Photoinduced Scattering Systems
Hollow crystals of a photochromic diarylethylene compound explode under irradiation

Fluorine-Containing Molecules from Cell Cultures
Living cells produce fluorinated metabolites and bioplastics