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Driving Chemistry and Europe

Angewandte Chemie 51/2017: The Quest for Gold
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Most Accessed Articles: November 2017
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

Mesoporous Fullerene Nanomaterials
Highly ordered mesoporous material formed by a template method has a high supercapacitive performance

Malignant Mitochondria as a Target
A metallopeptide targets and disrupts mitochondrial function in breast cancer stem cells

Polymers with a Mechanochromic Response
Copolymers of polyphenylene and a spiropyran reversibly change color when a force is applied

Longest Graphene Nanoribbon
Precise synthesis of graphene nanoribbon consisting of 30 linearly-fused aromatic rings with a length of 7.7 nm

Heating Up Tumors
New method for more effective photothermal tumor therapy with infrared light

Structure-Activity Imaging of Porous Catalysts
Structure-reactivity relationships in fluid catalytic cracking (ffc) particles were studied

Going Undercover to Fight Tuberculosis
Antibacterial β-lactone infiltrates mycomembrane biosynthesis and kills tuberculosis pathogen