Using exhaust gases to produce urea and reduce environmental impact

Repurposing Steel Mill Gases to Reduce CO2 Emissions

Customizable 3D-Printed Microelectrodes
First 3D-printed, freestanding carbon microelectrodes for neurotransmitter detection

Arsenic for Electronics
Covalently modified two-dimensional arsenic

Luminescent Nanoparticles with a High Encoding Capacity
Upconversion nanoparticles for biodetection and anticounterfeiting

Most Accessed Articles: September 2018
Highlights from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

Angewandte Chemie 42/2018: Trusted Source
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Supramolecular Assemblies with Near-Infrared Emission
Enhanced emission can be used for targeted cell imaging

Ammonia Storage in a Metal–Organic Framework
Robust material for the storage of ammonia at high densities

A Growth Suppressor for the Anthrax Bacillus
Engineered human siderocalin neutralizes the Fe(III)-scavenging siderophore petrobactin

Turning the Page on Microfluidic Diagnostics
Paper‐based antibody detection devices using bioluminescent sensor proteins