Catalytic activity and selectivity of enzymes increased upon encapsulation

Enzyme Encapsulation in Metal–Organic Frameworks

DNA Origami Full of Potent Anticancer Agents
Tailored DNA nanoplatform carries chemotherapeutic drugs and RNA interference agents

Chemistry in the Cloud
Automated optimization and synthesis of pharmaceuticals

Switchable Viscosity Reduction of Heavy Crude Oil
Oil-in-water emulsions created for pipeline transport of heavy crude oil can be reversed using carbon monoxide

Angewandte Chemie 47/2018: The State of the Art
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Lithium-Air Battery with Gel Electrolyte
Flexible batteries for wearable electronics

An Isolable Palladium Terminal Imido Complex
First example of an elusive palladium(II) terminal imido complex catalytically activates C−H, H−H, N−H, and O−H bonds

Synthetic Hydrogels for 3D Cell Cultures
Easily accessible water-compatible hydrogel platform combines the benefits of natural and synthetic systems

Angewandte Chemie 46/2018: Adding to Chemistry
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Chemists Are Increasingly Willing to Try New Things
Interview with Neville Compton, Editor-in-Chief of Angewandte Chemie