Composite catalyzes the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), the oxygen evolution reaction (OER), and HCl electrolysis
Multifunctional Metal Oxide/Carbide Electrocatalysts
Rational Design of Phototherapeutic Agents for Cancer Therapy
Aza-BODIPY phototherapeutic agents with promising anticancer properties
Dual-Metal Hollow Nanocubes for Water Oxidation
Catalyst based on Co–Fe layered double hydroxide nanosheets
Antimicrobial Nanoaggregates for Wound Healing
Composite of gold nanoclusters and chitosan can facilitate healing
Quantum Sieve Separates Hydrogen and Deuterium
Kinetic quantum sieving in a metal-organic framework
Superalkali with Record Low Ionization Energy
New alkali-metal complex has an ionization potential of only 1.52 eV
First Scandium Phosphonioketene
Reaction of a scandium phosphoniomethylidene with carbon monoxide
Improving Hydrogen Release under Fuel-Cell Conditions
Magnesium-boride-based material for hydrogen cycling
High-Voltage Battery-Supercapacitor Hybrids
Fast redox reactions enhance the potential window for hybrid energy storage systems
New Hybrid Structure for Multitarget Therapies
Cyclodextrin–deferasirox hybrid structures with dual properties decrease toxic effects of metal ions in humans