Resorcylic acid lactone (RAL) representing a unique pharmacophore was edited to improve the properties and diversify the scaffold.
Improving Kinase Inhibitors
Press Release
A new era for ChemPubSoc Europe and Wiley begins as they launch their new online service.
Going Quantum Dotty!
A bioanalytical enzymatic system producing fluorescent nanoparticles employs additional sensitive techniques.
The use of microreactors has opened up new horizons for synthetic organic chemistry and the chemical manufacturing industry.
Understanding the APJ Receptor Binding Site
Exploring the RPRL motif of apelin-13 through molecular simulation and biological evaluation of cyclic peptide analogues
Small, Fast, and High Contrast
Imaging technique enables studies on the dynamics of nanocatalysts at unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution
Frontiers of Chemistry Pictures
ChemPubSoc Europe and Wiley-VCH celebrated in Paris at the Frontiers of Chemistry Symposium
Changing the Channel in Nanoelectronics
New computer simulations may help in the design of efficient molecular wires.
Amperometry Put to Test
Amperometry at carbon fiber electrodes, a method commonly used to detect molecules released by single living cells, may lead to biased results.
The Future Builds on the Past
New online platform, brought to you by ChemPubSoc Europe and Wiley-VCH!