New antagonists that target NMDA receptor at the glutamate binding site could guard against neurological disorders

To (Neuro)Protect And Serve

A Carbenium Concerto
Alkane conversion mechanism shown to proceed via carbenium ion intermediates in H-USY zeolite

Highlights in Biocatalysis
Biocatalysis – special issue of ChemCatChem edited by Prof. Uwe Bornscheuer, Prof. Andreas Liese, and Prof. Garabed Antranikian

Detailed Crystal Structure Corralled!
RNA isn't the only biomolecule that can adopt lariat structures: lasso peptide BI-32169's structure has now been resolved in detail

Secret to Journal Success
The strategy behind ChemMedChem's rapid growth is discussed in an interview with its editorial team

Nanoparticles for Conservation
New life breathed into Mayan wall paintings by nanoparticles designed to preserve cultural heritage

ChemPubSoc Europe Impact Factors
The results are in – ChemPubSoc Europe's journals all have impact factors to be excited about

Two types of phosphonium salt can be made under the same conditions due to the dichotomous reactivity of dimethyl acetals

Super Supramolecular Adducts
The avidin/biotin amplification route has been used to better visulize targets in MRI with a biotin-Gd-DOTA monoamide trimer

All That Glitters
In situ EXFAFS study of homogeneous, gold-catalyzed oxidative esterification on aldehydes