First synthesizing the dendron, then attaching it to suitable cores provides a versatile toolbox for dendrimer assembly

Convergent Dendrimer Synthesis

The Sensor-tive Scorpian
A scorpion-like fluorescent triazole allows sensitive detection of copper and mercury in sea samples from Sydney Harbour

Click Chemistry: Functionalized Triazoles
Compounds with both triazole and halogen functionalities formed by Cu catalysis with environmentally benign reducing agent

Supercapacitance from Seaweed
Blending the capacitance of seaweed with the conduction of carbon nanotubes gives enhanced performance of supercapacitor electrodes

How to Repair a Seashell
Seashell repaired in vitro by growth of biominerals in insoluble organic framework

Nickel-Catalyzed Suzuki–Miyaura
Coupling reactions in which palladium is replaced with cheaper nickel complexes can now be done at room temperature

Rare and Neglected Diseases
With diseases such as malaria being classed as rare and neglected, ChemMedChem takes a look at the latest research in this field

Large Rings Cyclized by Cu
Synthesis of rare nitrogen-linked seven-, eight- and nine-membered biaryl ring systems uses simple and cheap Cu

Oligorotaxanes Made to Order
How do noncovalent bonding interactions affect formation and stability of secondary structures in synthetic polymeric materials?

Water Splitting in Two Parts
Photocatalytic water splitting system that mimics the two-step process of photosynthesis reported