European Women in Chemistry

European Women in Chemistry

European Women in Chemistry edited by Jan Apotheker and Livia Simon Sarkadi, reviewed by Francesco De Angelis, University of l’Aquila, Italy

Convergent Dendrimer Synthesis

Convergent Dendrimer Synthesis

First synthesizing the dendron, then attaching it to suitable cores provides a versatile toolbox for dendrimer assembly

The Sensor-tive Scorpian

The Sensor-tive Scorpian

A scorpion-like fluorescent triazole allows sensitive detection of copper and mercury in sea samples from Sydney Harbour

Supercapacitance from Seaweed

Supercapacitance from Seaweed

Blending the capacitance of seaweed with the conduction of carbon nanotubes gives enhanced performance of supercapacitor electrodes