First selective catalytic synthesis of primary amines splits secondary and tertiary amines by using ammonia

New Approach to Amine Synthesis

Society Publishing – ChemPubSoc Europe’s History
ChemPubSoc Europe, organization of European chemical societies, publishes ChemistryViews and a number of high-quality journals

New Design Principle for Chemical Systems
Importance of dispersion energy for the thermodynamic stability of molecules

Removal of Strontium From Nuclear Waste
Removal of strontium from nuclear waste streams by desmid green algae

Hydrogenases – Achievements and Expectations
Special issue of EurJIC looks at some of the recent advances and achievements in the field of hydrogenases research

Ideal Templates for Stable U28 Clusters
Understanding the chemistry of radioactive compounds emerges as one of the most urgent scientific challenges

World TB Day 2011: March 24
World tuberculosis (TB) day commemorates the day the pathogenic bacteria that causes TB was discovered

High Turnover H2 Production
Single-component photocatalyst shows 20-fold increase in H2 production over current alternatives

Triaryl Phosphates from White Phosphorus
Iron-based catalysis gives new route to triorganophosphates for flame retardants without the need for chlorine

Multitarget Drugs against Prion Diseases
Hybrid lipoic acid derivatives attack prion disease on multiple fronts suggesting possible targets for treatment