Antibiotic’s backbone monitored by Raman optical activity to show preferred conformations in dioxane and methanol
Valinomycin’s Preferred Conformation
Ambient CO2 Fixation
The ambient fixation of carbon dioxide can be achieved by converting it to cyclic carbonates with a ZnIIsalphen catalyst
Sensitive to Oxygen
New class of phosphorescent iridium(III) porphyrin complexes leads to tunable oxygen indicators
Most Popular Reaction – Most Cited Article
Most-cited article of all articles published in the ISI subject category “Chemistry, Organic” – microreview on click chemistry
Jet Fuel from Waste Cellulose
Conversion of linalool into high-density fuels for jet propulsion achieved with ruthenium catalyst under solvent-free conditions
Prevent Poisoning of Catalysts
Determination of the exact chemical nature of sulfur absorbed onto Pt nanoparticles could help prevent poisoning of catalysts
Direct Arylation of Unactivated Arenes
Readily available cobalt salts can catalyze the direct arylation of even unactivated arenes such as benzene
Switching Qubits with a Terahertz Source?
Rotational transitions induced in molecules on a chip could have important applications in quantum computing
Mesoporous Graphitic Carbon
Highly conductive nitrogen-doped mesoporous carbon with graphitic walls can be made by heating at the correct temperature
Formate Dehydrogenase in Ionic Liquid
Stability and activity of formate dehydrogenase improved through binding to ionic liquid-inspired cations