Phosphanylferrocene ligand bearing an additional amine functionalization was studied as a ligand for transition metal complexes

Simple Ligands, Complex Behavior

Conformations of Tartaric Acids
Tartaric acids and their derivatives crystallize with molecular structures significantly different from those of isolated molecules

Catalytic Pathway Through a Network of Spheres
Titania hollow spheres with a hierarchical macroporous channel structure demonstrate excellent photocatalytic performance

Most Accessed Articles: March 2012
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for March 2012

Enhanced Contrast Media for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Micelles with enhanced chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) sensitivity synthesized

Enzyme-dependent Cargo Release
Dual-enzyme responsive capped mesoporous silica particles allow a controlled delivery profile of the entrapped cargo

Conformational Analysis of Green Apple Flavor
Interesting method for future structure–odour studies to determine the lowest energy conformations of odorants and flavors

Mechanically Interlocked Molecules
A large number of representative examples of mechanically interlocked molecules from the past decade have been described and discussed

Specificity by Ring Size
Bicyclic peptides with optimized ring size inhibit enzyme that cleaves peptide bonds while sparing paralogous proteases

Selective Cellulose Conversion
A series of Ni-promoted W2C catalysts was prepared and evaluated for the catalytic conversion of cellulose into ethylene glycol