Structures of rubrene anions and their aggregation with alkali-metal ions investigated to provide insight into their shapes and properties

The Shape of Things To Come

Direct Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis of Pyrazolidine Derivatives
A highly enantioselective, metal-free cascade reaction as an entry to 3-hydroxypyrazolidine derivatives

Most Accessed Articles: May 2012
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for May 2012

Yeast-Based Microporous Materials Capture CO2
Hierarchical microporous carbon materials prepared from yeast show excellent carbon dioxide-capture capacity

Tungsten Phosphanylphosphinidene Complexes
Side-on bonded anionic phosphanylphos phinidene complexes of tungsten are readily synthesized

Leaves Reveal their Materialistic Nature
Plant cystoliths: A complex functional biocomposite of four distinct silica and amorphous calcium carbonate phases

New Catalytic System for Biodiesel Production
Clean and efficient production of biodiesel and glycerol from soybean and microbial lipids

H. Overkleeft Receives Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award
Professor Hermen S. Overkleeft, Leiden University, the Netherlands, is elected recipient of Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award

Bugs Can't Get a Firm Grip on UTIs
Series of biphenyl α-D-mannosides could prevent and treat urinary tract infections (UTIs) by blocking bacterial adhesion to host cells

Ring Expansion of Isatins
Biologically active nitrogen-containing heterocycles have been synthesized through controlled ring expansion of isatin derivatives