First report of the synthesis of polymer-supported and large-scale free-standing metal-organic framework (MOF) membranes

Synthesis of Metal–Organic Framework Membrane

Understanding Biomineralization Systems
Unique composition and architecture of cystoliths, mineralized objects found in the leaves of several plants, discovered

Most Accessed Articles: July 2012
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for July 2012

Optical Performance of Amphiphilic Graphene Composites
New graphene composite has an excellent broadband optical limiting response in polar/nonpolar solvents and thin solid films

Reducing Carbon Nanotube Toxicity
Ultrasound is used to carve carbon nanotubes (CNTs) to release toxic metal impurities in a similar way to wind carving the sand hills in a desert

Growing for Gold
Gold nanoparticles grown on ionic liquid-functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes have potential for photothermal therapy

Dynamic DNA Nanostructures
More complexity and control is possible for DNA nanomechanical devices through new linear, triangular, and quadrilateral actuators

New Sol–Gel Technique for the Synthesis of MoxTi Catalysts
Selective transesterification of diethyl oxalate with phenol to diphenyl oxalate in the liquid phase over efficient solid-acid sol–gel catalysts

New Nitrogen-Rich Energetic Molecules
The synthesis, spectroscopic, crystallographic, energetic, and impact properties of a series of tetrazolate derivatives have been evaluated

Stabilized Metal Nanoparticles for Selective Hydrogenation
Nanoparticles stabilized by a cationic polymer can be dispersed in wide range of solvents and ionic liquids leading to good catalytic activity