Zinc(II) porphyrin–octadeoxythymidine is a highly sensitive and selective fluorescence and absorption sensor for mercury ions in water

Sensitive and Selective Mercury Detection

Dipeptide Ligands for Hydrogen-Production Catalysts
A peptide-based outer-coordination sphere of hydrogenases increases efficiency for hydrogen production

Facile Functionalization of Polyhedral Boranes
First example of addition of any C-nucleophiles to nitrilium derivatives of boron clusters

Synthesis of Vinyl Sulfides and Vinylamines
Synthetic method was developed for the preparation of vinyl sulfides and vinylamines

A Fragrance That Breaks the Rules
Synthetic analogue of the vetiver oil odorant, used in perfumes like Ralph Lauren's ‘Polo’ and Chanel N°5, has proven the vetiver rule wrong

One-Pot Synthesis of 2-Indolyl-C-Glycosides
An efficient and high-yielding, one-pot, Cu-catalyzed synthesis of 2-indolyl-C-glycosides

One-Step Dispersion of Cellulose Nanofibers
Native cellulose can be dispersed as nanofibers in organic solvents by ball milling with esterification agents

Chemical Adaptability
The new phenomenon of chemical adaptability is demonstrated for giant wheel-shaped molybdenum oxides

A Humdinger of a Staudinger
Formation of amides from carboxylic acids and azides can be promoted by a chlorophosphite reagent

Dissolving Ytterbium
The ionization energies of complexes between a rare-earth metal (Yb) and ammonia were measured for the first time