The marriage of graphene and Ni(OH)2 leads to hybrid hydrogels that can act as advanced supercapacitor materials

New High-Performance Supercapacitor Materials

Total Synthesis of Gambieric Acids
First total synthesis of potent antifungal polycyclic ether, gambieric acid A, has established its unambiguous structure

New RNA Purine Building Blocks
First synthesis and consequent structure revision of 4'-selenoadenosine and 4'-selenoguanosine, starting from D-ribose

Straight to the Mesopore: Special Issue on Functional Porous Materials
Functionalized porous materials, an exciting expanse of catalytic materials have tremendous catalytic potential

Dinitrogen Borylation with Group 4 Metallocene Complexes
A new highly activated zirconocene dinitrogen compound supported by 1,2,4-trimethylcyclopentadienyl ligands has been reported

Synthesis of Functionalized Terminal Allenes
Practical reaction for the CuI-catalyzed synthesis of terminal allenes from terminal alkynes, paraformaldehyde, and iPr2NH developed

Polymetallic Nonlinear Optical Chromophores
Quadratic and cubic nonlinear optical (NLO) behavior in new redox-switchable polymetallic assemblies

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An Olive Branch for Lignin: Pass the Hydrogen
The microwave-assisted depolymerization of lignin to bio-oil from olive tree waste is achieved in hydrogen-donating solvents

New Multifunctional Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Material
First hydrophilic cucurbit[7]-pseudorotaxane-monolayer-protected gold nanorod hybrid reported