Mechanistic and computational analysis of a multicomponent reaction of cyclohexadiene, 2-phenyl-indol-3-one, and acetonitrile conducted

A Story of Multicomponent Systems

Fe10BO3/Fe3O4/SiO2 Nanocomposites
Fe10BO3/Fe3O4/SiO2 nanocomposites for efficient neutron capture therapy materials featuring magnetic properties

Stable Ru–Allenylidene Complexes Based on Pentacenequinone
First synthesis of ruthenium-allenylidene complexes with a pentacenequinone-based ligand

Stabilized, Functionalized α-C-Glycosides
A strategy for the synthesis and functionalization of fluorinated α-C-glycosides was developed

Bent ML2 Complexes
Additional stabilization through strong π backdonation in bent d10-ML2 complexes

Two Routes—Two Graphene Oxides
Graphene oxide materials prepared by using different oxidants show distinct electrochemical properties

Self-Assembly of Triazole-Linked Porphyrin-Polymer Conjugates
Triazole-linked porphyrin–polymer conjugates that assemble into supramolecular assemblies though porphyrinatozinc–triazole coordination developed

Let Nature Be Your Guide
A group of scientists in China developed a biomimetic synthesis of equisetin and (+)-fusarisetin A

Most Accessed Articles: July 2013
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for July 2013

Glowing Graphene Dots
Graphene quantum dots with the right functionalization can be used to sense copper in living cells