Simple synthesis of hollow and yolk-shell iron oxide (FeOx) nanostructures sandwiched between few-layer graphene (FLG) sheets

Batteries with Yolk-Shell Nanoparticles

Staging an Emergency Evacuation
Small molecules capable of inhibiting bacterial cell–cell signaling are of significant interest as potential anti-infective agents

Multiplex Detection of Ag and Mo Nanoparticles
Simultaneous monitoring of redox reactions of metal nanoparticles allows the multiplex detection of target analytes

The Early Career Series
ChemPlusChem features up and coming researchers whose focus is on multidisciplinary research centering on chemistry

Next Generation of Chiroptical Nanomaterials?
Chiral DNA-templated porphyrin nanoassemblies formed with highly modular structural and chiroptical properties

Scoping Out the Competition
Cyclohexane-1,2-dione hydrolase accepts a wider range of substrates than other thiamine diphosphate dependent enzymes

Hollow Nanospheres with Mesoporous Shells
Hollow rare-earth silicate spheres with mesoporous shells prepared through a one-step hydrothermal route

Water Oxidation by Amorphous Cobalt-Based Oxides
Amorphous cobalt-based oxides show catalytic activity in the bulk of the film, not just at the interface with the electrolyte

Molecular Donors For Organic Solar Cells
Benzochalcogenodiazole-based donor–acceptor–acceptor molecular donors for organic solar cells were investigated

Electron Transfer to Organic Nanoparticles
Reductive dissolution of individual indigo nanoparticles studied to identify the mechanism, rate-determining step and kinetics