Efficient synthesis of highly perfluoroalkylated naphthalene compounds with unprecedented substitution patterns

Polyperfluoroalkylation of Naphthalene

First Examples of P–Chalcogen–B Phenalenes
First stable 1-phospha-2-boraacenaphthene synthesized and fully characterized

New Technique to Study Biomass Pyrolysis
Spatiotemporally resolved diffuse reflectance in situ spectroscopy (STR-DRiSP) technique was used to determine kinetics of pyrolysis

Grinding to Graphene
Ball milling graphite oxide with tin gave a SnO2/graphene composite for lithium-ion battery anodes

Making the Good Much Better Against Cancer
Synthesis, anti-tubulin and antiproliferative structure–activity relationship of steroidomimetic dihydroisoquinolinones

Rapid Assessment of Protecting-Group Stability
Stability screening of widely utilized silyl, acetal, and carbamate protecting groups

New Type of Sodium-Ion Battery
A NASICON-type Na3V2(PO4)3 cathode material is investigated in an aqueous sodium-ion battery

Unusual Coupling of Nitriles
Unusual coupling reactions result from treatment of Group 4 metallocene alkyne complexes with ferrocenyl nitriles

A Sweet Case Study
Method for the discovery of amphiphiles uses high-throughput (HT) methods to synthesise and characterise amphiphilic compounds

Catalyst Under Stress
New insights into the mechanism of water oxidation by iridium catalysts