The iron-catalyzed dehydrogenation of formic acid as a step on the road to a hydrogen economy

Hydrogen From Iron?

An Unexpected Cyclization Produces Acridine Derivatives
Cyclization of tritylamines promoted by copper salts for the synthesis of acridine derivatives

DNA-Binding Cyclopeptides
Triostin A cyclopeptide analogues containing four nucleobase recognition units bind DNA and exhibit low cytotoxicity

Self-Templated Electrocatalysts
Highly active catalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction were synthesized by using KCl nanocrystals as sacrificial templates

Direct Cross-Coupling of Organolithium Reagents
Cut Out the Middle Man! Cross-coupling of organolithium reagents with aryl and vinyl triflates

Gold Nanowire Forests as Sensors
Gold nanowire forests serve as excellent substrates for surfaced enhanched Raman scattering (SERS)

EurJOC Lecture at ORCHEM 2014
Professor Helma Wennemers, ETH Zürich, Switzerland is the 2014 recipient of the EurJOC Lecture

Easily Changing an Organic Dye
The organic dye peryline bisimide PB-1 was modified in a single step, changing its alignment and dichroic properties

A Step Closer to Artificial Photosynthesis?
Photochemical, electrochemical, and photoelectrochemical water oxidation

Detecting Chemical Warfare Agents
A colorimetric probe selectively detects a sarin and soman nerve gas mimic