Pressure and temperature induced phase transitions bring about dramatic changes in volume

Thorium Molybdate Feels the Squeeze

Polymerization within Organosilicas
Mesoporous organosilicas provide an ideal vessel for controlled polymerization

A Better Catalyst for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction
Copper complexes on carbon nanotubes form efficient electrocatalysts for fuel cells

Convenient Anion Sensor Candidate
Hydrogen-bond formation or deprotonation of an Ir–bibenzimidazole complex can be used for sensing anions

Hydrogenase Models in Frozen Matrices
Photolysis of [FeFe]-hydrogenase models in frozen matrices gives previously unidentified products

Biosensors Converse with Nanotubes
Taking advantage of the modulation of the optical properties of carbon nanotubes for sensing a model protein

Sandmeyer-Type Trifluoromethylation
Syntheses with late-stage introduction of fluorinated moieties

Controllable Chloride Transport
Host-guest strategy to reversibly control transmembrane chloride transport with cyclodextrins

Clean and Controlled C-Dot Synthesis
Preparation of carbon nanodots by laser ablation in ionic liquids: a simple, clean and controlled method

What Really Happened 2000 Days Ago
We are pleased to announce the answers to last week's quiz