Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase with unusual regioselectivity discovered

New Enzymatic Path to α,ω-Dicarboxylic Acids

Most Accessed Articles: August 2018
Highlights from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

Ferrocene-Linked Porous Polymer for Water Treatment
Removal of dyes and heavy metals from wastewater

Two-Step Flow Photochemistry Reactions
First example of two consecutive photochemical flow reactors with different irradiation wavelengths

Chemical Blood Group Transformation
Blood group O→A transformation for an improved understanding of agglutination mechanisms

EurJOC Lecture at ORCHEM 2018
Guy Lloyd-Jones, University of Edinburgh, UK, honored

Hydrocarbon Photochemistry on Salt Clusters
Photodissociation of hydrocarbons embedded in sodium iodide clusters investigated

Visible-Light-Driven Molecular Motors
Converting light energy into directed mechanical motion

Nanoparticles For Better Contrast
Rare-earth orthoferrite useful in bioimaging

2018 ChemPubSoc Europe Early Career Award
Bioinorganic chemist Jun-Long Zhang, Peking University, China, honored