Synthesis of sesquiterpenoid related to neurite outgrowth-promoting natural product could improve understanding of neural networks

Synthesis for Your Nerves

Biomimetic Surfaces
Superhydrphobic graphene surfaces mimic the properties of butterfly wings and rose petals

Detecting Analytes in Natural Solutions
Detection of target analytes in the presence of interfering biomolecules possible with nanoparticles-within-nanoshell design

C–H Activation with Iron
Cheap and simple iron catalyst activates aryl C–H bonds and gives rapid formation of new aryl–aryl bonds

Which Chemically Modified Graphene is Best?
Each production method results in different electrochemical behavior for graphenes but which is best for electrochemical devices?

Special Issue: Eun Lee’s 65th Birthday
Eun Lee’s 65th birthday and retirement from the field of organic synthesis is celebrated in this month’s issue of Chem. Asian J.

Glutamate — From Discovery To Global Product
Since 1908 glutamate is known as the fifth taste and found in seaweed broth, asparagus, tomato, cheese, meat

2010 ISI Journal Impact Factors
Excellent results for Wiley's and Wiley-VCH's 2010 ISI Impact Factors, e.g. new record IF for Angewandte Chemie

150 Years Department of Chemistry, University of Tokyo
For 150 years the Department has been maintaining its tradition as one of Japan's leading research institutes in the field of chemistry

Near-IR Dyes for Solar Cells
Much of sunlight’s energy is wasted as it lies in the near-infrared (NIR) region. New, stable NIR dyes collect and use this energy