Compounds with several heteroaromatic functionalities present multiple rigid privileged structures for drug discovery
New Biprivileged Molecular Scaffolds
Boron Conjugation Holds the Key
Boron-containing π-conjugated heterocycles shed light on optoelectronics
Marine Natural Product Stops Cancer Drug Resistance
Lamellarins, natural products isolated from marine mollusks and sponges, show potential in treating multidrug resistant cancer
Ring Strain Restrains
In a nanohoop molecule, macrocyclic ring strain slows rotation of aryl units, leading to interconverting atropisomers
Sulfur Sandwich Lithium Batteries
The sandwich structure of a graphene/sulfur nanocomposite improves the performance of lithium sulfur batteries
Tellurium is the New Silver for Antibacterials
New tellurium nanomaterials shown to have higher antibacterial activity and lower toxicity than comparable silver nanoparticles
Organic Chemistry in Asia – Interview with K. Maruoka
Keiji Maruoka, Kyoto University, talks about his research, global co-operation in science, and the new Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry
Launch of New Organic Chemistry Journal
Wiley-VCH and ACES to launch new organic chemistry journal rooted in Asia
Gluten Breakdown
Capillary electrophoresis coupled with fluorescence detection discriminates protein–peptide binding events involved in celiac disease
Synthesis for Your Nerves
Synthesis of sesquiterpenoid related to neurite outgrowth-promoting natural product could improve understanding of neural networks