Combining a blue-emitting ligand with red- and green-emitting dopants gives a metal–organic framework (MOF) that emits white light

Bright White MOFs

Graphene Oxide-based Photoswitches
A photoswitchable α-cyclodextrin-based [2]rotaxane array on grapheme oxide (GO) was prepared

Enzyme in a Bed of Graphene
A graphene–phospholipid nanocomposite acts as a biosensor when it is loaded with a redox-active enzyme

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Understanding Conjugated Oligomer Folding
Monodisperse conjugated oligomers self-assemble into folded helical structures that form intermolecular aggregates in water

Catalytic Friedel–Crafts for Quaternary Carbonyl Compounds
Perchlorates catalyze arylation of teriatry α-hydroxyesters and α-hydroxyketones

Selective and Sustainable Route to Amides
Recyclable Nafion-supported ruthenium catalyst is selective for hydration of nitriles to amides

Selective Detection of Pd2+ Ions
An newly developed aminonaphthalimide derivative is a selective probe for palladium(II) ions

Grinding Out Selectivity
Chiral carbon centers can be formed mechanochemically by using just a pestle and mortar

Bend Me, Shape Me …
Calixarene-based supramolecular polymers reversibly change shape in response to different wavelengths of light