Solid-supported diarylprolinol catalysts for enantioselective cyclizations
Continuous-Flow Cyclopropanation
New XeO3 Phases
Three phases of xenon trioxide characterized by low-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction
Wrinkled Metal Oxides
A method to transfer the hierarchical structure of wrinkled graphene oxide onto catalytically active oxides
Sustainable UV Protection Films
Cellulose film modified with lignin protects against UV rays
Recovering Metals from Batteries
Leaching lithium, nickel, cobalt, and manganese from spent batteries with L-tartaric acid
Ring Opening with a Click
Cyclic silanes functionalize the surface of hydroxylated silicon nanostructures
Dual-Readout Fingerprint Detection
Functionalized polymer dots as fluorescent and colorimetric probes
Sharper Images with Graphene
High contrast scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with a graphene window
Carbonized Cotton as Battery Material
Lithium-sulfur batteries with exceptional electrochemical properties prepared using a carbon-cotton cathode
MOFs Detect Alkanes
Colorimetric change of metal-organic framework in presence of alkanes