Keychain reader finds peanuts, wheat, milk, eggs, and other allergens

Portable Food Allergen Detector

Nonacene Synthesized on a Gold Surface
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon consisting of nine linearly fused benzene rings

Implanted Sponge Lowers Blood Glucose And Weight
Implanting a polymer sponge into fat tissue of mice reduced their weight gain and blood-sugar levels

Carbon Nanoparticles in Baked Lamb
Nanoparticles from meat could serve as a fluorescence sensor for glucose detection

Bisphenol A Exposure through the Skin
Dermal absorption causes prolonged exposure to problematic compound

Lactic Acid from Biomass
Supported gold catalyst creates value-added chemicals

GeF5– Anion Characterized
Uncommon main group species stabilized by bulky cation

Ammonium Salts for Alkylations
Rhodium-catalyzed alkylation uses quaternary ammonium salts as alkyl source

Graphene Quantum Dots for Energy Storage
Graphene quantum dots (GQDs) incorporated polymers for energy storage applications

Lithium Digermenide Synthesized
First fully characterized monoanionic digermenide, a heavier analogue of vinyl anions