Oxidative N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) catalysis in air

N-Acylation of Oxazolidinones

Making Hollow Iron Oxide Nanocapsules
Conversion of nanorods to nanocapsules by shell-induced Ostwald ripening

Biographene Kirigami For Flexible Electronics
Soft bionanocomposite paper composed of graphene and silk can be cut like paper

Trichloroberyllate Ion Found
First tricoordinated beryllium species with non-bulky ligands

Better Synthesis of Sulfonyl Chloride Mimics
Pentafluorophenyl sulfonate esters made using boronic acids

Simple Synthesis of Fully Substituted Triazoles
(3+2) Cycloaddition of nitrile ylides with diazonium salts

E-Cigarettes Produce DNA-Damaging Compounds
Preliminary mass spectrometry study points to a possible increase in cancer risk

Intestinal Bacteria Convert Blood Groups
Making universal donor blood from other blood groups

Dynamic Color Nanoprinting
Color generation with lead halide perovskite nanostructures allows in situ control and a nonvacuum environment

d6 Transition Metal Oxo Complexes
Isolation of two unusual Co(III)-oxo complexes