Zirconium-based nanoparticles can replace toxic organic solvents or expensive antifreeze proteins

Metal–Organic Framework Protects Frozen Red Blood Cells

Hierarchically Porous Covalent Organic Framework Made Using Baking Soda
Disordered material for the ultrafast adsorption of various pollutants

Heart Function Can Be Controlled with Light
Photoswitchable drug allows reversible optical control

Buckybowl-Type Fragment of C70 Synthesized
Antiaromatic fullerene fragment prepared for the first time

Carboxylation of Arylanilines with CO2
Rh(I)-catalyzed reaction under redox-neutral conditions

Olefin Metathesis Controlled with Visible Light
New system combines olefin metathesis and photoredox catalysis

Iron(II) Analogue of ZIF-8 Synthesized for the First Time
Iron(II)-based metal–organic framework (MOF) prepared using solvent-free process

Stable Olefin-Linked Covalent Organic Framework
First unsubstituted olefin-linked COF was synthesized via aldol condensation

Direct β-Alkenylation of Ketones
Palladium-catalyzed redox cascade gives versatile compounds

Crystal Structures of α- and β-Nitrogen Trifluoride Determined
Structures determined using powder neutron diffraction and reported for the first time