Aromatic self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) used as molecular precursors
Synthesis of Graphene with Tunable Crystallinity and Porosity
Using Polymers to Direct Nanoparticle Arrays
Researchers have used block copolymer scaffolds to direct the growth of gold nanoparticle arrays
Pd-Catalyzed Arylation of 2-Phenylethylamines
Using free amines as directing groups
An Ultrasensitive Graphene Bolometer
Detector for electromagnetic radiation uses a graphene aerogel film as the active material
RNA Nanotubes Synthesized
Nanotubes made from RNA strands designed and characterized
Change in Catalyst Support Can Switch Reactivity
Rhodium nanoparticle catalysts for carbon dioxide hydrogenation can produce either methane or CO
Healing Defects in 2D Materials
Formation and healing of defects in atomically thin GaSe and InSe
"Crab-on-a-Tree" Coating for Food Packaging
Sustainable, optically transparent coating acts as oxygen barrier
Ultrathin Antibacterial Coatings for Bone Implants
Layered material made from graphene oxide and lysozyme
Enone Synthesis Uses Reductive Nickel Catalysis
Coupling between acid fluorides and vinyl triflates