Influence of computer technology and future vision of an organic/medicinal chemistry lab in the eyes of a Ph.D. student

The Digital Future of Organic & Medicinal Chemistry

50th Anniversary: Death of Peter Debye
Physical chemist and Nobel Laureate known for his work on dipole moments

100th Anniversary: Death of Sir William Ramsay
Discoverer of noble gases and Chemistry Nobel Laureate

100th Birthday: Pehr Victor Edman
Inventor of breakthrough method for sequencing proteins

100th Birthday: Christian B. Anfinsen
Distinguished biochemist explored important aspects of protein folding

150th Birthday: Moses Gomberg
Eminent organic chemist and "father of radical chemistry"

75th Anniversary: Discovery of Plutonium
Element 94 was first produced and isolated at the Berkeley Radiation Laboratory in 1940

100th Birthday: Albert Ghiorso
Nuclear researcher and co-discoverer of 12 elements

Sodalite has a cubic crystal structure; answer to Guess the Mineral

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